Wednesday, August 13, 2008

VP Prediction

All the pundits keep on talking about Evan Bayh, Tim Kaine, and Kathleen Sebelius. Why? You may ask. Nobody really knows. Bayh is an unimpressive speaker with an unimpressive record who does not compliment Obama's manner of speech or prioritized policy positions. Tim Kaine has been a poor governor for the state of Virginia with his only memorable action having thus far been his inability to get a transportation bill passed. Kathleen Sebelius is a far more intriguing possibility, but she already has a slot speaking at the DNC (if they've already disclosed this, it seems that they would have done so in tandem with a VP announcement) and her record doesn't exactly go along with the Wednesday-night vice-presidential nomination theme. Which brings me to my prediction:

Wednesday night's theme at the DNC is "Securing America's Future". Wesley Clark's Political Action Committee's (WesPAC) motto is "Securing America's Future". Coincidence? No. Wesley Clark will be the Democratic Party's vice presidential nominee.

Some further pontification from Huffington Post's Judah Freed.

And just as a shot in the dark, I'm predicting this coming Monday, August 18th, say at 12pm EST, Obama will make this announcement.

For more commentary on this Clark character, check out

Aside: I actually side with the folks at in my support for Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer as VP, but all the indications are pointing in the other direction. That said, I would be wholly content with Clark as the VP candidate.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, "pontificate" sounds so papal! (I prefer Pope John Paul George and Ringo, actuall.)

At any rate, thank for noticing the post. Clark is would not be my first pick in Candide's best of all possible worlds, but from a pragmatic viewpoint, he's worth considering, in my opinion.

We might find out tomorrow. The buzz is saying Evan Bayh or Joe Biden. Your guess is a good as mine.

Nate said...


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