Thursday, June 5, 2008

Change We Can Believe In.

When was the last time we had a candidate who walked the walk? Via

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is moving on two fronts to make transparency a linchpin of his campaign, opening his fundraisers to reporters and clamping down on the Democratic National Committee’s fundraising from Washington insiders...Beginning Thursday, the DNC will no longer accept checks from federal lobbyists or political action committees, mirroring the strict standard Obama adopted for his presidential campaign.

Contrast that to McBush's "reform" plans:

McCain's Lobbyist Friends

The winds of changes are a-howlin'...


Daniela said...

You're back in business, just in time for the general election. I can't wait to swipe the map clean!

Daniela said...

Ben you are a non-blogger