Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Two Endorsements and A Poll

Despite the incredibly slow and uneventful six weeks between the Texas & Ohio and Pennsylvania primaries, we finally have some relatively big news today out of the presidential race:

1) Lee Hamilton Endorses Obama

Not only does this endorsement give Obama some momentum going into the Indiana primary on May 6th, it also boosts his foreign policy credentials. Hamilton is a former representative of Indiana's 9th district as well as the former co-chair of both the 9/11 Commission and the Iraq Study Group. In sum, he's big time. This is what he had to say about Obama's foreign policy:

"His foreign policy is pragmatic, visionary and tough," said Hamilton, former Democratic chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives committees on foreign affairs and intelligence.

"He will work with our friends and allies. He will strengthen our ability to use all tools of American power and relentlessly promote the American values of freedom and justice for all people."

2) Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal endorses Obama

The Wyoming caucaus may have already passed, but this is still a big endorsement, both because Freudenthal is a superdelegate at a time in which every superdelegate vote counts and because he is a popular governor (won 70% of the vote in the 2006 election) in a state that is slowly shifting from red to blue.

3) New poll has Obama up in PA

This poll is a total shock, as the last time PPP did a poll two weeks ago, it had Obama down by 26 points. Kos questions its legitimacy. But damn!

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