Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Clinton Staying in for the Good of the Party?

This is an interesting read from Katharine Seelye at the New York Times, opining that Clinton may be staying in the race to increase turnout and voter enthusiasm in the Democratic primary and to ultimately help Barack Obama become President of the United States of America.


Thousands of people are coming to her rallies now, and her campaign has organized events in post-Pennsylvania states where people are thrilled to be part of a process from which they are normally excluded.

Something not really focused on in the mainstream media:

It may not be apparent to the casual viewer of the news, but Mrs. Clinton is no longer dropping negative bombs on Mr. Obama. She has shifted her attacks, some of them quite trenchant, to President Bush and Senator John McCain, the presumed Republican nominee.

There has been some discussion in the blogosphere recently trying to spin Clinton's continued campaign as a positive thing for "big D" Democracy. But to suggest that this is the intention of the Clinton campaign is something wholly different.

1 comment:

Daniela said...

Clinton staying in for the good of the party. Hm. I'm not convinced. I do feel that her staying in until the math made it impossible for her to regain a lead (in delegates, states, popular vote) was a good, democratic thing. Her staying in now when there is a snowball's chance in hell she will be the party's nominee is only strengthening the GOP and its nominee.