Wednesday, March 26, 2008

...And we're back.

Ok, it's been almost a year, but to my credit, the liberal blogs have turned around and become less critical of Obama. Many have even begun to vehemently support him. I've decided to start this blog back up because there's so much crap on the internet that you have to filter through to get the truth about Obama, it's important to have a central location to find it all. So here goes. I want to start off with a couple of good tidbits I discovered while perusing the internets the past couple of days. First, is this gem from the recommended diaries at Daily Kos:

Give Clinton a break!

Second is less funny but just as important in understanding the twisted nature of the mainstream media. I bring you Wright's most criticized speech by the major networks (in full, not just one random sentence taken out of context):

Wright's 9/11 speech

Simmer on those for awhile. Back atcha tomorrow.

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