Monday, March 31, 2008

The Brains Behind the Obama Campaign

Here's an interesting read for anyone curious to get some biographical info on the more prominent members of "Team Obama":

Obama's Inner Circle

The overarching theme of the article is that these guys (and gals) can't be completely compartmentalized into a particular political ideology. In other words, their views and visions for the future can't be designated as "liberal", "conservative", or "centrist". This is part of the Obama meme of looking beyond the politics of the past. A choice example is contained in the profile of immigration advisor Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar:

Like Obama, [Cuéllar] believes that comprehensive immigration reform must go beyond addressing border security and the status of the nation's 12 million illegal immigrants to confronting the current system's bureaucratic failings, providing job opportunities for American workers, promoting economic development in Latin America, and determining "how our immigration policy reflects our values and needs as Americans."

Also of note is Legal Affairs advisor Cass Sunstein, whose articles I read ad infinitum in my US Politics 101 class in college and who wrote this eloquent article about Obama in the Huffpost 4 weeks ago.

Friday, March 28, 2008

More Delicious Propaganda

From the Huffpost, a mashup video of Obama's "More Perfect Union" speech and Roger Waters' "Tide is Turning". Created by Bob Cesca:

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Faux News Poster Child Speaks Out Against Faux News

Yet another ostensible anti-Obama surrogate speaking out in defense of Obama (again, a little late on the newsbreak, but better late than never...):

Hillary's Poster Child = Anti-Hillary

This is a little dated (only by a week, but things move fast in the blogosphere), but a great add created by the girl in Hillary's ridiculous, fear-mongering add about which candidate you want answering the White House phone at 3am. As has been recently pointed out, if Hillary's too tired to get her facts straight about her trip to Bosnia in the middle of the day, it's scary to think about how she would react to a phone call under president-like fatigue and sleep deprivation at 3am:

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Nothing substantive here, but Amen.

...And we're back.

Ok, it's been almost a year, but to my credit, the liberal blogs have turned around and become less critical of Obama. Many have even begun to vehemently support him. I've decided to start this blog back up because there's so much crap on the internet that you have to filter through to get the truth about Obama, it's important to have a central location to find it all. So here goes. I want to start off with a couple of good tidbits I discovered while perusing the internets the past couple of days. First, is this gem from the recommended diaries at Daily Kos:

Give Clinton a break!

Second is less funny but just as important in understanding the twisted nature of the mainstream media. I bring you Wright's most criticized speech by the major networks (in full, not just one random sentence taken out of context):

Wright's 9/11 speech

Simmer on those for awhile. Back atcha tomorrow.